2025/02 Publications has been updated.
2024/09 Publications has been updated.
2024/08 Some of the hybridomas and knock-out mice establishe in our laboratory are available from RIKEN.
2024/02 Publications has been updated.
2023/04 Nature Review has been published.
2022/09 Publications has been updated.
2022/08 Publications has been updated.
2022/07 Members has been updated.
2022/06 Members has been updated.
2022/05 Mr.LIN Xing(graduate student)had joined our laboratory.
2022/04 Publications has been updated.
2022/04 Members has been updated.
2022/03 Publications has been updated.
2022/01 Publications has been updated.
2021/08 Members has been updated.
2021/07 Dr. M.GOMI (Specially Appointed Researcher) had joined our laboratory.
2021/04 Professor Nagata had been elected as class of Fellows of the The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
2021/04 Dr. K. Segawa moved to Tokyo Medical and Dental University as a professor.
2021/04 Dr. Sakuragi assumed Assistant professor.
2021/04 Members has been updated.
2021/04 Publications has been updated.
2020/08 Publications has been updated.
2020/04 Members has been updated.
2020/01 Publications has been updated.
2019/11 Publications has been updated.
2019/07 Publications has been updated.
2019/06 Members has been updated.
2019/03 Publications has been updated.
2018/04 Members and Publications has been updated.
2018/02 Publications has been updated.
2018/01 Publications has been updated.
2017/07 Publications has been updated.
2017/04 Dr. K. Segawa received The Young Scientists’ Prize from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2017/04 Mr. Y. Ishikawa (Co-Reseacher) , Ms. K. Yamada and Mr. Y. Ryoden(DC1) had joined our laboratory.
2017/04 Dr. J. Suzuki moved to Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University(iCeMS) as a professor.
2017/04 Members and Publications has been updated.
2016/12 Publications has been updated.
2016/10 Members and Events has been updated.
2016/09 Publications has been updated.
2016/05 Members and Publications has been updated.
2016/04 Ms. Ochiai (M1) and Mr. Yamashita (D1) had joined our laboratory.
2016/02 Publications has been updated.
2015/06 Ms. Kawano (Postdoctoral fellow) joined our laboratory.
2015/04 Professor Nagata had been elected as foreign associate of National Academy of Science, USA.
2015/04 Our laboratory moved from Kyoto University to Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University.
2015/04 Mr. Ishihara (visiting Scholar) took a post as Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Kyoto University Hospital.
2015/04 Mr. Sakuragi (DC1) joined our laboratory.
2015/04 Mr. Yamaguchi went to Stanford University for overseas education.
2015/04 Mr. Toda went to University of California, San Francisco for overseas education.
2015/03 Laboratory's alumni reunion (Nagata-kai) was held.
2015/03 Retirement Symposium and Celebration Party for Professor Nagata was held at Kyoto University and Kyoto Brighton Hotel.(March 20th)
2014/10 Dr. Suzuki was awarded The Japanese Biochemical Society encouragement prize.
2014/08 Alp Erkent (Koc University, Turkey) joined us as a summer student.
2014/07 Prof. Patrick Williamson (Biology Dept. of Amherst College, U.S.A) joined us as a part of his sabbatical program.
2014/04 Dr. J. Suzuki received The Young Scientists’ Prize from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
2014/04 Dr. Kawane moved to Kyoto Sangyo University as an associate professor.
2014/04 Dr. Motani moved to The University of Tokushima as an assistant professor.
2014/04 Dr. T. Suzuki and Mr. Hirano moved out to take a job.
2014/02 Ms. Y. Morioka joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
2013/11 Professor Nagata received the Keio Medical Science Prize (Keio University / Japan)
2013/09 Mr. S. Toda received the Koichi Suzuki Memorial Prize from The 86th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
2013/07 Ms. C. Nishi received the Best Poster Award from The 22nd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Cell Death Research
2012/12 Professor Nagata receivedDebrecen Award for Moleculare Medicine (Debrecen University/ Hungary)
2012/10 Mr. T. Suzuki received the Poster Award in Allergy and Immunology area from International Symposium/Retreat 2012 (Kyoto University Global COE)
2012/09 Mr. S. Toda received the 2011 young scientist best paper award from Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine
2012/09 Professor Nagata receivedTomizo Yoshida Award (Japanese Cancer Association)
2012/04 Professor Nagata receivedHonorary Doctorate (University of Zurich)
2012/04 Dr.Sano went to New York University.
2012/04 Mr. K.Hirano joined as a Master-course student of Kyoto University.
2012/04 Mr. Y.Yanagihashi joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
2012/04 Dr. Fujii assumed Assistant professor.
2012/03 Ms. M.Harayama retired.
2012/03 The 14th Osamu Hayaishi Lecture was held in Kyoto, to welcome Prof. H.Robert Horvitz.
2011/11 Dr. Yamaguchi and Dr. Segawa assumed Assistant professor.
2011/11 Dr. Hanayama moved to Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center as an associate professor.
2011/10 Mr. R. Kosugi joined as a technical staff.
2011/10 Ms. M. Sato and Mr. H. Ohgi moved to Immunology Frontier Research Center,Osaka University.
2011/09 The alumni meeting of Laboratory of Medical Chemistry, Kyoto University was held in Kyoto.
2011/09 Mr. T. Sano received the Koichi Suzuki Memorial Prize from The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
2011/09 Mr. S. Toda received the Best Poster Award from International Symposium/Retreat 2011 (Kyoto University Global COE).
2011/05 Dr. J. Suzuki received the 2010 young scientist best paper award from Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine.
2011/05 Assistant Professor Miyanishi went to Stanford University.
2011/04 Dr. K. Ishihara joined as a Doctor-course student of Kyoto University.
2011/04 Ms. Kimura retired.
2011/04 Ms. C. Nishi joined as a Master-course student of Kyoto University.
2011/04 Dr. K. Motani joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow (Kyoto University Global COE Program).
2011/04 Dr. Gomi moved to Kokura Memorial Hospital in Fukuoka.
2011/03 Dr. Miyanishi, Postdoctoral Fellow assumed Assistant professor.
2011/01 Mr. T. Suzuki joined as a Doctor-course student of Kyoto University,Graduate School of Medicine.
2010/12 Professor Nagata was elected the member of The Japan Academy.
2010/12 Ms. Sato and Mr. Imanishi joined as a technical staff.
2010/11 Dr. Suzuki, Postdoctoral Fellow assumed Assistant professor.
2010/11 Dr. Fukunaga moved to Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences as a professor.
2010/10 Mr. Sasaki got a job.
2010/05 Mr. Teruyuki Sano received the 2009 young scientist best paper award from Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine.
2010/04 Ms. Haruna Kimura joined as a technical staff.
2010/04 Ms. Gyobu joined as a Master-course student of Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine.
2010/04 The name of our Department changed from “Molecular Biology” to “Medical Chemistry”

Professor Nagata received the 2010 Meister Award from Japan Society of Endocrinology

2010/03 Technician Tanaka left for Kanazawa, and Mr. Kobayashi got a Master Degree from Kyoto University, and got a job.
2010/02 Assistant Professor Kawane went to France as a researcher, supported by JSPS.
2010/01 Dr. Nakahara moved to Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine as a post-doctoral fellow.